Covid-19 Update – We’re In This Together
We are saddened to see so many segments of our economy and the workers in those industries laid off from their jobs due to the pandemic. We are living through this together and the return to normal operations will be slow and gradual. The new normal of social distancing will severely reduce the capacity of the gaming floor and service delivery. We are proud to see all casinos supporting the efforts to control the virus and are here to help you through the stages of reopening.
LeadScorz is prepared to support the reopening in three ways:
- With development of a custom predictive scoring model to assess each player as they return to your property. Each player will be given a “predictability score” based on their probability to contribute the highest return to the casino. We will provide the casino marketing team a scored and segmented list of players for targeted and appropriate offers to encourage increased frequency from your most profitable players.
- Rapid development with scoring results flowing back to your marketing team within two weeks of your reopening.
- Special pricing and terms – Your investment of $15,000 fixed fee (includes all models & external data from LeadScorz) 50% of the Pilot Fee will be deferred until 60 days after your re-opening (Pilot Fee does not include your allocated mailing/media costs).
Big Data & Predictive Analytics allows you to KNOW more than you ever thought possible about your individual Players/Guests
The LeadScorz solution incorporates the latest Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Modeling technology enabling you to target the “right” offers/promotions that best match the interests and lifestyle of each Consumer. Micro-targeting, combined with custom messaging for each segment drives multiple outcomes to improve your marketing ROI:
- Increased Player/Guest loyalty
- Increased average number of visits
- Increased average length of stay per visit
LeadScorz SaaS solution seamlessly integrates with legacy CRM and Marketing Automation applications, enabling Casinos to optimize marketing spend and improve overall ROI.
Monetize Your Historical Players Big Data
Your existing Player data can be the key to the success of both your in-house and outbound marketing campaigns – but only if you have the analytical tools to extract the actionable information it contains. LeadScorz’ powerful predictive modeling tools leverage your historical data by appending hundreds of Life-Data™ attributes that are matched to both existing and prospective Players. Your enriched data then feeds your LeadScorz custom scoring models to identify individual players’ propensity for up-sell, cross-sell and repeat visits to your property.
The output of LeadScorz custom scoring models will give you a never-before-seen granular view of your Player habits and trends, allowing for:
- Niche marketing to highly segmented Players/Guests
- Increased conversion of promotions
- Higher Player satisfaction
- Direct geo-targeting of high-scoring prospective Players
Extend Your Reach to Hyper-Targeted New “Look-alike” Prospects with LeadScorz Custom Audiences
LeadScorz Predictive Models leverage Artificial Intelligence to create Custom Audience Targeting Data that identifies new Individual Consumer Prospects that share similar personas as your current top-performing Player/Guests.
Unlike other Direct Marketing services, when you purchase LeadScorz audience data – you retain ownership of that data-set to augment your own segmentation and targeting analytics to be applied to virtually any marketing channel you elect to use.
Where traditional marketing uses only broadly applied demographic, financial or categorical parameters to target media spend, LeadScorz Custom Audience services use your very own Predictive Scoring Models to mine “Hyper-targeted Look-alikes” from the largest and most comprehensive Consumer data source available today. Allowing you to build targeted campaigns for:
- Social Media / Facebook
- Banner & Video Display
- Direct Mail
We offer a “No-Risk” Pilot Program that enables you to see the accuracy of your customized scoring models before signing a Service Agreement.
If you elect to deploy LeadScorz based on successful Pilot results, your Annual Service Agreement includes a low Monthly Platform & Support Fee based on average lead volumes, plus a “pay as you go” fees based on your lead processing volume and/or Custom Audience data-set purchases.
Annual Agreement with Price Guarantee. 90-day minimum with 30-day termination notice required.